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Introducing the New Sea Blot Series!

I am excited to show you my latest aerial drone series taken over Wanda Beach earlier this week. I hope this series will make you look at the sea in a new way - its certainly has for me!   The editing technique applied to the photographs was inspired by the concept of the Rorschach Test (Inkblot test). This is where an ink blot is applied to a piece of paper and is then folded on itself.  When the paper is unfolded, it reveals a symmetrical image which can create a phenomenon whereby the eye perceives patterns, symbols and even faces within the image itself.  I have recreated this technique by duplicating the photo and then mirroring the images. How the brain perceives such images is usually quite unique to the viewer and can lead to hours of relaxed gazing or even heated debate!


Aliquid I
Aliquid II
Wave Lace I
Wave Lace II
Abyss I
Abyss II
Abyss III
Saline Symmetry I
Saline Symmetry II